Our most portable Super Concentrate
The Evolution X2 system is an easy to use, lightweight system which instantly mixes our Evolution Super Concentrates on the go without the need to measure and dilute through traditional systems.
The Evolution X2 system uses patented dilution technology so each pull of the trigger will deliver the correct ratio of concentrate to water every time. No dials to turn, no button presses and no measuring jugs to operate, just load the cartridge, lock it in and you’re ready to go.
Safety in Use
Specially designed seals on the concentrate cartridge prevent human contact and accidental spillages. As an additional measure, the Evolution X2 system will only operate when a water and concentrate cartridge are loaded, making it even safer when switching or replacing the product.
Superior Concentrates
And, as always, each product in the range gives you the incredible cleaning power of our Evolution Super Concentrates.
Ergonomic Design
Designed to provide comfort and reduce the risk of repetitive strain when in use. The trigger is made from a high quality, durable plastic and has been extensively tested to ensure the spray head lasts significantly longer than a standard spray trigger.
Each cartridge comes in at 325ml, making the whole system weigh less than a standard 750ml ready to use equivalent.
Not only that, but each cartridge of concentrate produces the equivalent to more than 12 standard 750ml ready to use trigger sprays.
The savings in cost and time make Evolution X2 the obvious solution, leaving you to focus on delivering the best cleaning result.
X2 - For a greener, cleaner world
Single Use Plastics
Switching to a concentrate system means fewer single use plastics going to landfill.
Water Savings
Using concentrates means you only use water when required to create the desired solution and with X2 you only use as much solution as you need, reducing waste solution entering the water network.
Carbon Footprint
Everything from production, storage and shipping makes less of an impact on the environment than traditional ready to use products.
All of our bottles and packaging are fully recyclable and, where possible, reusable.